
Anderson County Post #172


Post History

During 1919, several former servicemen met at a church in Clinton as an informal group consisting of former World War I Veterans. The decision to organize an American Legion Post resulted from the conclusion of these Veterans that the American Legion was the representative Veterans' organization in this country.  That conclusion has been proven true as today The American Legion is the largest Veterans' organization with nearly 13,000 American Legion Posts worldwide.  Current national membership is over 2-million and combined with The American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion, membership is known as The American Legion Family. exceeds 3-million who care about America, Veterans, Veteran Families and our Nation's Youth.

It was also decided at the next meeting to organize a Post as soon as twenty-five servicemen had indicated their desire to join the Post; and decision was made by the Veterans to file an application for an American Legion Post.  A committee was formed to name the Post, and a Certificate of Application for a Charter was presented.

All of Clinton’s servicemen who died in the service of their country, as a mark of respect,  were honored when the Post was chartered June 25, 1920. The permanent organization was effective at the June meeting which time officers were elected. The first officers of American Legion Post were: Commander as Mr. Randoff Shiffalet, Adjutant being Mr. Walter M. Peters; and a total of 33-Members.

On March 13, 1937, Sam L. Slover and the heirs of H.C. Slover transferred family property to the American Legion Post 172 as recreational uses.  After the Post Meeting plans were announced some $500.00 was contributed; and an additional $200.00 was received as an answer to letters sent by members with a goal of $1,200.00 and $1,500.00 being set.  The property was graded; and a "cabin" about 30x30-feet began to be constructed of logs, using trees felled on the property, a fireplace was constructed for Legion picnics  and the land began being developed for a playgound area.  The original cabin has existed on the property - which is now being cleared for a continuation of the transfer intent; and the second building used for the past 30-years as the "Post Home" was recently torn down, as the construction of a new-modern building and facility is being constructed for future generations of the community as the American Legion Post #172.

In 2018 the Oak Ridge American Legion Post merged with the Clinton Post; and in 2020 the Lake City Post also merged with the Clinton Post.  In 2021, as being the sole American Legion Post in Anderson County, the post name was changed from the Clinton Post to the Anderson County Post.  The post serves the entire County veteran population and the communities of Andersonville, Clinton, Norris, Oak Ridge, and Rocky Top.

Affiliated Organizations

A Women's Auxiliary of American Legion Post 172 was formed. The Legion has every reason to be proud of it's Auxiliary.  After many years of Community Services and Supporting of the Legion Post; the Unit began to suffer from the individuals having other commitments and less time for active involvements with the Unit. Auxiliary members were always anxious and willing to co-operate in every Legion activity.


Patriotic Days

MEMORIAL DAY has always been an outstanding occasion in this community. In addition to memorial events throughout the Clinton community, the goal of every Veteran to it's last man is to keep MEMORIAL DAY sacred to the memory of our war dead of all of the wars of the country; and all graves are decorated on this National Holiday.

ARMISTICE DAY, now called VETERANS' DAY, originally marked the end of fighting in World War I. It is an important holiday on the calendar of Legionnaires everywhere and in the hearts of all Veterans.  Annually the Post sponsored the Armistice Day Parade. An important tradition was established when the Post led in the memorial exercises at 11 o'clock on the morning of November 11, marking the exact hour of the cessation of hostility on the war fronts.

Registration Of Graves

Since it's inception American Legion Post 172 has been a leader in this community in the area of graves registration; which has been incorporated by all the American Legion Posts in Anderson County. Grave Registration enables all interested parties to locate the site of the grave of each Veteran.  Each year, the active members of the post place a flag on Veteran's graves in several area cemeteries.

Scholarships and Community Projects

The American Legion sponsors various scholarships for the further education of our children.  The local post sponsors and financially assist many worthy community projects and programs initiated by the National American Legion.

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